Sick, Twisted and Toxic.


I’m not even sure what to say at this point. I’m in such a sick, twisted and toxic situation but I know what I need to do. It’s doing it that I’m so afraid of and I don’t know why.

The Russian, as far as I know, didn’t go through with cheating on me but he heavily considered it. He doesn’t know that I’m fully aware of those details but I know. That Friday/early Saturday when I made that post was the downfall of the relationship. That Saturday he came over so we could talk like adults. Since our texting conversation the night before was not a good one at all.

He apologized for the things he said and how things escalated. We sat in my kitchen to talk. How it ended? Him saying that maybe at this time being boyfriend/girlfriend isn’t working right now. That he loves me and cares for me but doesn’t know if he is in love with me. Great, we are right back here again. Obviously. So I asked him what it was he wanted, and in typical fashion, he said friends or even friends with benefits. This literally feels like August of last year when we broke up. And then for three months he dragged me along in this limbo until I couldn’t take it anymore.

I can tell things are starting to be how they were, because in my moments of weakness I allow him to see me. And of course, we sleep together. Over the weekend he spent the night and we got extremely drunk together. He said some things that really confused me but I know I can’t do this all over again. I just don’t have it in me anymore.

Hell, he will only text me when he wants to see me. Which is exactly what he did before when we first broke up. He slowly worked his way in. And every time after I see him I take like 12 steps back and get sad again. I love him and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him, but this I cannot keep doing.

I have a feeling he will want to see me tonight. As it is the finale of a show we had been watching together. And if he does, I’ll let him come over. We can watch the show but afterwards we won’t have sex. I’m going to tell him I can’t be his “FWB” and I can’t keep doing this. I’ll tell him that even though I love him more than anyone or anything, I have to love myself and allowing myself to be in this situation is not loving myself. I deserve more than that and if he isn’t willing to give me that then we have to stop.

I can’t get over him if he still comes around and gets into my head that things will get better or change. Because that’s what happened last year and those months were so hard for me. I really think he has some serious commitment and emotional issues he either isn’t aware of or wants to deal with. In one month, barely, he went from being so loving and caring, telling me how much he loved me and missed me, how happy he was we got back together. To being the Russian I did not like, with his unavailability emotionally, picking fights, pointing out anything I do wrong, etc.

Once we have this discussion and he’s aware of it, I will be doing what is called the “No Contact Rule” from here on out. I don’t know what will happen: will things change with him, will I finally get peace and be able to just move on, will he realize he’s made a huge mistake and try to win me back, or will he just move onto the next one?

A sick part of me want’s him to realize he made this huge mistake and want me back. How awful is that? After everything he’s put me through, since the very beginning I would still want him. Why? I’m so confused at this point. Ugh.


Just Don’t Know What to Do.

Why does it seem things always have to become so damn hard?


When the Russian wanted me back, he made all these huge gestures and made big statements about love and us. Then it seemed around February it changed. I’m not sure if he got too comfortable, we moved too fast too soon, he is unsure or if I’m overthinking everything. After the holidays and my birthday things were just amazing. He told me he loved me on a regular basis, complimented me, talked to me and was always reassuring if I ever had questions or worries.

He finally had surgery for his back, that recovery time was hard because he basically lived with me for a month. I am so use to having my space at some point so we would bicker every now and then. I will say some of that could be blamed on me. He was always around and I was always having to cater to him, which in turn got to be exhausting because in my mind he should still be catering to me. Especially since I never did anything wrong.

When his house was finally finished he moved in and I became a little sad. In a sick way, as much as I wanted my own space I still wanted to see him and talk to him very day. So I became paranoid he’d go back to how he was before, and I’d never really see him. Then he’d just forget about me.

It just seems like lately we have been arguing so much more. I’m trying to change certain things or fix things, but it sometimes seems like it is not enough. He hasn’t told me he loves me in a month. Which I had finally brought up to him in an argument. Part of me wonders if I’m trying to push him away, or maybe he is trying to push me away. He doesn’t include me in as much anymore. He will say things like, “We don’t have to be so formal anymore.” Or, if he’s doing work at his business or home, instead of asking me to help he basically implies I should be a better girlfriend and just offer. But I never know what he’s doing. And previously, even when we weren’t officially dating, he would ask me to help and I always did.

He’s also starting to become controlling again. And mean. Very, very mean. He nitpicks on me for almost any and everything. The way I ask questions, give my opinion, drive, take care of my contacts, or whatever else he can think of he will tell me how I’m doing it wrong. What bothers me the most about that is he will now tell me, if I ask if he’s sure he wants this or me, is he tells me I’m being either insecure, needy or need to much reassurance and by me being that way pushes him away.

I just don’t know what to do at this point. Do I leave him and this relationship? Do I take a break? Do I give up all hope? I can’t stay in this weird limbo anymore and I certainly cannot bring it up to again or else I’ll get “in trouble” like a child.

We had a decent weekend together. Spent more time together from Thursday to last night than we have in almost two weeks. I’ll have to talk about that more later. I’m just so frustrated and confused. I have no one else I can really talk to about this anymore. My mom wants me to just leave him as she can’t stand him or the way he’s been treating me anymore. I’m somewhat mad at my best friend since she won’t be supportive or anything anymore even though I was there for her relationship problems. And we all know I can’t talk to him.


So what now?

The End is the Beginning is the End


I think this may be the hardest post I’ve had to right so far. The Russian and I have officially broken up. The weirdest part? I basically sensed that it was going to happen. The last few weeks just have not been good for us. I was doing things that he wanted and getting nothing in return. He basically stopped giving me any kind of affection besides sex. When he asked to come over last Thursday my sixth sense kicked in.

To basically sum it all up, he told me “I love you” for the first time in our relationship. But he followed it with “But I don’t know if I’m in love with you” which really stabbed that knife in a little deeper. We both sat on my couch crying while this happened. He talked a lot more than I did. I knew there was no point in me saying much because I couldn’t change his mind. He told me maybe he was making the biggest mistake of his life and maybe he’s damaged. He said nothing was wrong with me, I’m a wonderful girlfriend and we get along great, plus our physical chemistry was off the charts. I treat him amazing but still…nothing. Just like it was back in February.

In normal guy fashion he asked me if I was going to be okay. I told him that I was and am in love with him so I won’t be okay for a while but I will be eventually. We talked more but it was a slight blur to me. When he left I called my mom and closest friends to tell them. Oh, and cry uncontrollably. The whole weekend we didn’t speak to each other. Mainly because he asked me if I wanted us to be friends or him just completely disappear. I told him I couldn’t really think at that moment about it.

Sunday  morning he sent me a text saying, “Just wanted to say hi and hope your weekend was ok.” Then that afternoon he sent me a text asking if I was home. I still have a lot of his stuff here so I figured he wanted to get it. But he just asked for some specific thing. I told him I was home and if he wanted to get whatever that was fine. He came over. We kind of talked, I’ll give an overview. He asked about my weekend again, I said it was okay and my family came in. I asked about his and he said it was okay just really weird (considering we were together basically every single day for a year). He got what he needed and told me he would get the rest of it later unless I wanted him to now.

I knew I couldn’t handle him being in my home for much longer without crying I just told him he could get it later, that was fine with me. He gave me a hug. Then told me that maybe if we are both still single we can maybe have dinner or see a movie, he even was nice enough to say, “Nothing physical, not like that.” Which we all know is complete shit.

We had more small talk before he left and then he did. I crashed on my couch and bawled my eyes out. Knowing I’ve been demoted to something like that hurt even more because I’m still in love with him. Deeply so and it just broke my heart all over again.

Later that night he texted me after a show we use to watch together ended. We talked about it and then nothing.

Today, he told me he was going to be traveling out of state again for work. This is how that conversation went:

Him: “Back to ______ tomorrow”

Me: “That’s gonna be fun”

Him: “Wanna come?”

Me: “Lol I have to work”

Him: “lol”

Me: “I have to be at an event so I can’t work from home”

Him: “I wouldn’t have expected you to sacrifice a day for driving with me lol”

Me: “Lol uh huh”

Him: “Really didn’t think you would lol”

Me: “Lol I just cant, you picked a day I actually have to work”

I know what you all are going to say. I should have told him to just stop and leave me alone, that he was dragging me on and needed to leave it alone. I still have the old mind set that I want to do whatever he asks and drop everything for him. I know I shouldn’t, and I won’t anymore.

If someone could explain to me why, if you aren’t in love with someone but know they are, why keep doing this to them? If it was me, I wouldn’t be reaching out to him because I would realize how much it hurts him. It sucks not hearing from him but it reopens the wounds every time he reaches out to me. I haven’t thought about him since Sunday and then he texts me.

Now, I’m officially single and not quite sure what to even do with myself. I haven’t really “dated” or been single in over 5 years so what now? Also, I’m horrified that I may never have good sex again. Is that awful to think about? Ugh. I’m really sad and confused right now. Any advice would definitely be accepted right now.

Part of me wants him to just wake up and realize what he’s losing then do whatever it takes to win me back. But I know that more than likely won’t happen. And if it doesn’t, I just want him to leave me alone and let me move on. I already have had guys ask me on dates and all that, but I know I’m not ready for that because they would just be a rebound. Mainly because my heart isn’t ready for that again. I’m kind of in a “fuck love” type of mood now. I’m also aware that since my sex life is nothing now I’m going to be really aggravated which will make work even better.

Well, send me your positive thoughts as I go through a new journey now. Brightside?! I can blog as much as I want now! I have a brand new laptop and a whole lotta free time on my hands.

Really Need Some Help


I know it’s been a long time since my last post and I’m sorry. Life has been hectic and a lot has been going on for me. But at this point in time I could really use some opinions and help. I’m still with the Russian and we’ve been doing the typical couple things, like taking trips together, spending basically every single day together and making decisions. I should probably start off by saying the past month has been hardest for the Russian and I. We’ve been arguing more with each other about little things and I know most of it is my fault. I made the biggest mistake and I shouldn’t have even thought about it. I went through his phone and I found something that I can’t let go of no matter what I try.

This happened after he got extremely drunk and had been pretty rude to me before he passed out. When he was completely out I decided to just look at his phone, not intending to even find anything but of course, I did. I happened to find this app called “Sbox” and it was password protected, it was the same password to get into his phone. When I put that in all my feelings changed. He still had a lot of the pictures I had sent him a while back, but he also had pictures of another girl he didn’t date but had pictures together on social media. She also has a boyfriend now. I know the pictures are old because some are before mine but the others are mixed with mine. I didn’t even know what to think or feel at that moment. I’m a pretty open person and porn doesn’t bother me, I would have much preferred him having looked at porn than keeping these photos.

It isn’t something I’ve brought up to him yet, mainly because I don’t know if I should or even how. Since seeing that it’s made it almost hard for me to have any trust in him anymore. I don’t know what to do because even he has noticed how I’ve been different. He picks up his phone to text or it goes off and my anxiety levels just go up. I now am just afraid maybe he’s cheating on me or doing something he shouldn’t. We got into a pretty big disagreement almost two weeks ago. I used the wrong word when describing our relationship and made him think I didn’t view this as a serious relationship. I had to apologize a million times to him and do all these things to make up for it. Which, I get I hurt his feelings and it wasn’t intentional at all but he never apologized for when he hurt me back at the beginning of the year. I even brought that up and it was like I should realize he was in a rough place and should just forget about it.

Now there’s like a wall between us. From his back pain and mood swings causing me to not feel wanted to now all this I don’t know what to do. I want to be with him and when we are our normal selves everything is perfect but I can’t help having these terrible feelings. I just need help with what to even do. So any opinions would be greatly appreciated. I can give more details if it’s necessary but I just had to get this little bit out first.

Always Making Some Mistake


Well apparently I really messed up Tuesday night and I didn’t even realize it. During the day Wednesday we chatted a little bit but it wasn’t our normal talk and he seemed a little shorter with me than normal. I knew not to expect to see him plus I had a girls night planned with a friend already. Well, while at dinner I was texting him and trying to play with him. This is when I realized I did something wrong.

Me: “But you’re being mean! I’m pouting over here (that was said in a Boston accent)”

Him: “Suck it up. You called me a pussy several times yesterday so I have zero remorse”

Me: “When did I call you that?!”

Him: “You know when”

Me: “That’s a slight blur but I don’t remember saying that…I’m sorry ;/ “

Him: “Yeah I didn’t like it at all ;/ “

Me: “I’m so sorry, I don’t even remember saying that and I won’t say it again I promise. Are you mad at me about that?”

Him: “I’m not actively mad about it. It was a huge turn off though”

Me: “I figured you were mad about it, I probably was thinking of a way to rile you up. Lesson learned.”

He then sent me one more text asking me a question that didn’t pertain to that conversation, I answered it and then he said nothing else to me. Okay. I do not recall calling him a pussy while we were rolling around on the bed. I feel bad that I did but I know myself well enough and probably was just trying to get to me a little rougher with me. So I must have told him to either stop being one or I called him one. Insert foot straight into my mouth. Great, so once again step forwards and more steps back.

Yesterday we talked off and on during the day. He told me the time we would be going to this BBQ on Sunday. I once again tried to joke with him about things and he joked back a little but not that much. After we talked then I didn’t hear from him for a while, I was a little upset when he didn’t even ask to see me or if I had plans. Well he randomly told me he had dinner with his brother. I have been all for him to have these dinners with him and be a present big brother for his younger brother. We talked about the dinner and how it went. He didn’t honestly seem to be trying too hard to keep the conversation going. We hadn’t talked about the weekend yet but I was assuming I would see him before Sunday. Then he sent me this an hour later.

Him: “Just an FYI, I’m gonna watch the UFC fights Saturday night with Clay”

Me: “Oh okay”

I’m not against him doing that at all, I’m glad he’s seeing his friend and all that. But is it selfish of me to think well when are you going to see me? I was slightly frustrated so I decided to try and get to the bottom of things.

Me: “Can I ask you something?”

Him: “Ok”

Me: “I kinda feel like you’re upset with me, am I somewhat right?”

Him: “No why”

Me: “I guess just the way you’ve been, usually that signals to me something’s wrong. So I wanted to ask and find out if it had something to do with me, and if so, what exactly it is”

Him: “The other day was weird but I didn’t know I was acting funny…and if I am, how?”

Me: “You’re just being a little distant with me compared to how you normally are. I thought you were mad or upset with me.”

Him: “I moved”

Me: “I know you did I helped you.”

Him: “Yea…so I’m not home alone”

Him: “Watching a movie with my grandmother right now”

Me: “I know you’re not and that’s not what I meant. I’m sorry for bringing it up.”

And that was just the end of it. He didn’t text me after that movie and has yet to say anything to me. It isn’t like I knew he was watching a movie with her, he easily could have said something earlier and I wouldn’t have brought that up then. It’s like he threw my worry under the rug and maybe I’m worrying for no reason but if you could see his texts and our conversations compared to last week/weekend/early this week to the past few days even you’d notice something was different. And it isn’t like I’m initiating any conversations but at the same time I know better. Just like today I don’t really know if I’ll even see him and I know I won’t Saturday. If Sunday still happens I’ll be really surprised. The last time he watched the fights with Clay he got so drunk his hangover lasted the entire next two days. I had to bring him food that morning and baby him the entire day.

I feel like I’m constantly walking this thin line between him really caring for me and being happy with me and me being this big disappointment. I want to know when I do things like that because they don’t typically happen. I make mistakes, everyone does, but to throw a mistake in my face and calling it a huge turn off makes me wonder. He has done things to turn me off but I don’t hold it against him, I don’t think I’ve told him of those moments. I just make sure they don’t happen again and maybe that’s what he is just doing. I also now feel even more uncomfortable about any sexual moments. I’ve been so on edge with the “slow down” on sex with him and not initiating anything that now I’m not sure how to be.


Eh, I just don’t know what to do. I’ll see if he says anything to me or even asks to see me. I just am confused I guess. I will just let him decide if he wants to see me any time this weekend. I already have people that want to make plans with me but he knows he usually has first priority of my time. Maybe time apart this weekend wouldn’t be a bad thing when I think of it.

Oh well. Thoughts, opinions and advice are always welcome as usual!

Why Can’t I…You Know. Part Two

tumblr_n32298nlyv1rkbqbko1_500The next day after everyone left he asked me to come over to help him move the rest of his things. After we finished we went to his mom’s house to visit and eat with her. I know they have had a hard relationship in the past and she isn’t perfect but I do like his mom. He also was affectionate to me in front of her. During dinner we joked around and he was winking at me during stuff. We all sat on couches to relax a little before leaving and he had been sitting on the arm rest of the couch I was on. He slid down next to me and put my legs over his lap for us to sit like that together.

We eventually left and went back to his place for the last night. He’s going to be moving in with his mom for a while (long story but it’s understandable) so this was his last night there. The rest of the night we drank and watched movies. I gave him one BJ after the first movie had ended and we were starting the second. I was still slightly on my period so he was aware. During the second movie his phone went off at around midnight. He thought at first it was mine ringing and he actually reached forward to grab and check it. It took me back a little bit but I didn’t say anything. His phone was on the other side of the room so he walked over, checked it and told me it was a guy friend of his. He told me why he thought he was calling but it wasn’t 100% believable to me but I didn’t say anything else about it.

Well he resumed laying down with me on his couch and tried to start touching me. I wasn’t able to reach an orgasm…again and so I told him this. He stopped after a little while and noticed I was a little off. He asked what was wrong and I told him I was just frustrated I couldn’t have an orgasm. He immediately asked if it was because I wasn’t attracted to him anymore. I told him that definitely wasn’t why I just was having an issue and it bothered me. Well, he stood up and I laid back down to close my eyes for a little bit. He came back with his phone and made me look to see the guy who called was who he said it was. I told him while I appreciated that it wasn’t the reason. He said, “Well you’re probably just worried about making a mess and can’t relax.” So he laid on his back and grabbed me to put my laying on my back while in top of him. He immediately started going to town on my clit and rubbing more all over. Whatever he did that time started to work because I was able to have a few orgasms and actually had to tell him to stop because the pressure and feeling I was experiencing was getting to be too much. So he stopped and then laid down again. He was very aroused at this point so I gave him another BJ while the movie was still going. I was able to do something he had requested a few times and that basically drove him insane. Meaning going all the way down and then back up again, multiple times in a row. Afterwards it was time to either leave or go to sleep. Considering I was slightly intoxicated he suggested I just sleep there and he’d be sure I got up for work.

I finally convinced him to cuddle with me a little before going to sleep. I told him just to hold me and when he was ready to try and sleep nudge me a little so I can roll away. HE FINALLY DID THAT. After a few minutes he said “Alright little girl, good night and sweet dreams” then actually kissed me goodnight.

He woke me up the next morning and off to work I went. That afternoon we talked after my first day and all that. He had dinner with an older guy he use to work with but actually called me on the phone afterwards. We talked for about 30 minutes about how his dinner was and all that. He actually mentioned that his friend wants to meet me and invited us over for a BBQ this Sunday. I was really surprised but told him I would be up for it. We got off the phone when he was at his mom’s but we talked for a few minutes before he went in. He texted me for a while after we got off the phone.

The next day we basically talked the entire day. I initiated the conversation, which was first, but it went good. He asked to see me when I got off work, to help him finish up some things at his old place. We did some stuff for a little while but then decided to just relax and watch some Netflix. We ended up just doing shots of vodka for some reason. We’ve been doing one or two when we drink, on the weekends, to kind of help the process. Well somehow things got frisky and fast. I mention I’m starting to get really drunk, like, can’t feel my face or other limbs drunk. He starts to undo my jeans and make his way down my pants. He tells me to take my bra off while he does that. Then he pulls me into his lap and completely removes my jeans and panties.

He leads me to his bed and throws me down on it. He walks away to get a condom then comes back to the bed. We immediately start to make out and I remove his pants. I start to give him a BJ and deep throat him as he asks me to. He then puts his condom on and while I’m on top he slides into me. I’m going to stop there and just be honest with my readers. During the first round of sex I was not able to have an orgasm, didn’t even get that close to it. After he came he held me for a while then made a comment about me dripping on him. I then rolled off of him and to my side, he was like I ruined it didn’t i? And I just shrugged and said I was sorry, I was still turned on and couldn’t help it. Then he reached for me and started to finger me. I told him I wanted to have my orgasm while he was inside me so he asked if I wanted him to go rinse of and get a new condom. I told him yes and that’s what he did. Now, again when he came back I gave him a BJ for him to get hard and then I got back on top. Notice a pattern?

This girl is tired of being on top every. single. time. Well, sadly I was so close to orgasming during the second time but I went down while he went up and hurt his member a little bit. So we had to stop sex. He started to finger me more and it got intense with some dirty talk. I also was basically playing a little game with him. Resisting him and then telling him I couldn’t come but wanting him to keep going. He got frustrated I guess because I was holding his arm and he was using his other to hold me down so he stopped.

So he showered again and then came back. I had already gotten dressed again and was beyond frustrated to be totally honest. We spent a little more time together and then I helped him load his truck up before we left. I told him I was sorry for messing up the night and his response was, “Don’t worry about it. Those things happen.” Well we kissed goodbye and I left. I immediately called my best friend to discuss what happened and if I was overreacting.

I had decided not to text him when I got home. He knew we had done those shots and I was driving home inebriated so if he wanted to check on me he could on his own. I wasn’t expecting him to text honestly but he did. We talked for about an hour then both went to sleep.

I have a confession to make. A main reason for my orgasms is an emotional connection with the man I’m seeing. I need to know I have feelings for him and he does too. I’ve just always been that way. So after the conversation he had with me a month ago about not having deep feelings for me and not knowing why I think is a main factor for me. I’m sure it gets to him because I’m going from him giving me a minimum of 5 orgasms to over 15 once to now struggling for just one.

Plus, I’m so tired of always being on top. I am giving him BJs that last a while and being on top. To me it’s like is he just comfortable and knows I’m great at being on top. But sometimes a girl just wants to lay there and be fucked. Plus I love feeling the weight of a man on top of me. Eh, I’m not sure what to do besides ask him to freshen up his moves in other positions.

I just miss the days of multiple orgasms is that terrible of me? Feel free to share your thoughts, opinions or even experience with something like this.

Why Can’t I….You Know. Part One.


I feel like discussing more on this feeling I have of being scared of being in love. Things haven’t taken a turn for the worst or anything dear readers, if anything, over this weekend things progressed and have gotten better. Well, except for my lack of reaching orgasms.

I started a new job yesterday and while I’m happy and excited for it, I’m still unsure of things. I have a house note I must pay so I need to work, just the work I’ll be doing is kind of stressful because if I don’t produce then I won’t be getting paid that well. Oh the joys of having the degree I have in this city.

Back to the Russian! He keeps on surprising me over these last few weeks. We had some very intense and serious talks last week in regards to his health and his worries with life. I really appreciate when he’s more open with my about these things, it helps me feel more stable with the relationship.

Last week we spent a fair amount of time together. His other Valentine’s gift came in on Tuesday and I happened to be off that day. So he came over to my house to watch it with me. He brought over a ton of food so we actually wouldn’t have to leave the house for dinner that night as well. It was a fun night together. We ate, talked, drank and cuddled together the entire afternoon and night. Also, apparently I had a little too much attitude that day because he literally spanked the hell out of me a few times. One of my ass cheeks is still a little bruised. I’m not complaining since I basically asked for it. He spent the night with me that night. We fell asleep on my couch but at around 2 am he woke me up and brought me to bed. We slept together and he got a morning surprise that was so good he was texting me on my way to work about it.

We talked a lot off and on that day. He had a family thing he tried to plan that night that completely fell through so we just talked that night. Thursday he asked me over for lunch and also for, well, a BJ. I took a long lunch that day and we spent some time together beforehand, then during I’d say it lasted at least 45 minutes. I’m definitely getting better at deep throating him and it’s driving him nuts. The only time my gag reflex even shows up is when I’ve gone all the way down, go back to the top and try to go back down again. Sometimes I can do it successfully with no issue and other times I have issues with it. After about the third time it causes me to gag. Of course, he enjoys when I do gag since it reminds him of his size.

The Russian actually got me my very own king size bed for my house. I have been really wanting one but haven’t gone through with it, well the opportunity came up and he gave me one. Thursday after work I met him and we loaded it up to bring over to my house. He was a little down on himself when I got there to help because his back was really bothering him. After we talked a little bit he seemed to be in a better, more playful mood. We got the bed unloaded and set up at my house. He helped me move my old bed into one of my spare rooms too which was nice. After all those chores he fixed us a drink and we finally sat on my couch to relax and watch the last of the Harry Potter movies. We actually didn’t do much that night out of the ordinary. At about midnight I asked him if we could go to bed and so he basically carried me to bed. Now that I have such a large bed he can’t complain about sleepovers anymore!

Over the weekend he actually had a “guy’s weekend” with some local friends since a few of his best friends would be coming from out of town. Since Friday was my last day of work and I was a little upset about a few things he asked if I’d come over after I left to help him do some things at his place. I left on my last day fairly early so I went over to his place, we went and had a late lunch then ran a few errands in order to get things he needed. We probably spent five or more hour just organizing, packing, cleaning and moving things at his place. A surprise BJ did happen at one point but that isn’t a shocker.

We weren’t really keeping track of time because then one of his guy friends showed up and it surprised us. I gathered my stuff to leave but the Russian told me I could stay and visit. Well a second guy showed up and I hung out with them for another hour or so. They already knew things about me which I take as a good thing. It shows the Russian has been talking about me. I went ahead and got food the Russian and I since we hadn’t eaten yet. I ate with them and then shortly after that I told him I needed to go. I hadn’t been home all day and my poor dog was lonely. Plus, I wanted to shower and get out of my work clothes. This was close to 10 p.m. and guy night was basically starting. He walked me to my vehicle, kissed and hugged me goodbye and thanked me for all my help that day.

That night he sent me a little text about something I forgot and we joked a little but then I passed out. The next day I woke up a little late but then I got surprised. He asked me what I was doing that afternoon:

Him: “We’re gonna eat at 1 at Dave’s then go to the exhibit show if you feel like going”

(My city had a weekend show/exhibit)

Me: “Sure, do you want me to meet you at Dave’s or at the exhibit?”

Him: “Whichever you feel like. I know Dave’s is short notice. But _____’s wife is going btw”

Me: “Okay, I can probably make Dave’s”

Him: “Okay cool, the one in _____.”

Me: “That’s what I thought.”

So I basically rushed myself into finishing getting ready and then driving over to that area for lunch. Plus, this was my moment to meet his actual best friend. Lunch was fun, Dave’s is a fairly laid back place. We took our time eating and just talking for at least an hour or so. After, the other guy’s wife left and we all rode in one vehicle to the exhibit. That was a lot of fun. We ran into some of his family there and chatted with them for a bit. Going in and out of different exhibits was when we had the most fun. His friends and I joked the whole time together and the Russian was loving it. He got a little “handsy” a few times but I didn’t mind.

Afterwards they brought me back to my vehicle and the Russian kissed me goodbye. His friends told me bye and that it was nice meeting me. That night I didn’t plan on hearing from him, it was a man weekend after all, but he did surprise me.

Him: “Had fun?”

Me: “I really did, thank you for inviting me 🙂 did you have fun?”

Him: “Yep it was a good time”

Him: “I wanted to throw you in a bathroom (sly emoji face)”

Me: “Oh really?”

Him: “One of those would be fun to have”

Me: “Oh they definitely would be. Everyone would know what was going on if you threw me in a bathroom btw…it did cross my mind a few times though”

Him: “Yeah it would be obvious”

Him: “Could get a few strokes in if you had on short shorts or a dress”

Me: “Very true, if I had those on we’d have really been in trouble”

The conversation went a little further but you get the gist. He texted me off and on much later that night. Quoting movies to me and wanting to know what I did that night.

To be continued….

Terrified of the Loving Feelings.


Why is love such a scary feeling? I’m absolutely terrified of allowing myself to love the Russian. In fact, I’m so terrified just writing this down makes my chest get tight and my breathing speed up. Is it I’m afraid he won’t ever feel the same way? Or, is it because I’m scared that the love will run out like it did with my previous relationship and then what? I know the reasons why everything failed in my past relationship. We moved things way too fast, we didn’t take the time to really get to know each other, we weren’t compatible at all sexually and I was so young. Love when you’re 19 is different than love when you’re more of a grown up.

Valentine’s Day did show me the Russian definitely cares for me and I think to myself he is falling in love with me. He completely surprised me this weekend, which was a really great thing. We didn’t see each other Friday night, which was fine since I had seen him three days in a row and had a sleepover. Saturday he woke up early to tell me “Happy Valentine’s Day” and we chatted the rest of the day. I had spent some time with my family since they came to my city for a day. I did some shopping and got a few gifts from my mom for this “special” day. The Russian was very curious who I was spending time with but never really asked me what I wanted to do for that night. Well as I was heading to my house he asked where I was and when I’d be home. I told him I had finished shopping and was heading home.

My best friend had called me to talk about her date the night before and catch up on things. As I pulled into my drive way I looked under my carport and there was my Russian sitting in his truck. I immediately tell my best friend he’s there and I’ll call her back. He helped me unload my car but wouldn’t let me come near his truck. I had gotten him an additional gift but it was in my front seat. As he unloaded the trunk of my car I darted inside. The remains of me making his surprise laid on my coffee table so I scrambled to clean everything up and tuck this away.

After unloading everything he went back to his truck then came inside with flowers and gifts. I was completely shocked and couldn’t stop smiling. He gave me three, long-stemmed red roses that I put in the vase he had made for me. The gift was a new blu-ray player that streams Netflix and Hulu for my room. He knew I had been bringing the one he got me for Christmas back and forth from the living room. He instantly went and set it up for me in my room. He also got me a pint of my favorite ice cream and some candy he knows I love.

For him I made him some “coupons” ranging from me making him dinner to sexual activities. I did include some blank ones he can use for whatever he likes. I also got the newest season of his favorite show, it comes out officially tomorrow so he has to wait but he knows about it. Then I got him a small cookie cake that said “Be Mine” on it. He seemed to really like everything and got a kick out of the coupons. He told me he was thinking of us doing something a little different than normal but wanted to see how I’d feel about it. He said we could eat dinner earlier than normal, start drinking a lot earlier than normal that would allow us to get really drunk (he said it would be his way of making up for disappointing me Thursday night) and watch some romantic movies. He brought over the only romantic movies he owns and we watched both of them.

It actually was a very fun afternoon and night. He got a surprise blow job early in the afternoon. We were sitting on my couch talking and joking with each other while waiting to get food. At some point he jokingly put my hand down his pants to mess with him. I did for a little bit then stopped. He dragged me to the hallway in my home where we stood together and made out quite heavily and passionately. At some point his pants were unzipped and his dick was out. He wasn’t expecting a full BJ but he was so responsive and I was pretty focused on doing a good job. He came pretty quickly and then we went to eat. We had a really nice meal and talked with each other for a long time. He told me about an incident that had happened with his mom that upset him. I like that he opens up to me about issues and we can talk through it.

I should mention the whole time he was with me in my house and at the restaurant he couldn’t keep his hands off me. I had been wearing these leggings that are a favorite of his and apparently make my ass irresistible. He took a lot of pleasure in slapping it or spanking me if I was “mouthing off” to him. I won’t lie, I basically was asking for it after the first few times he did it. Mainly by egging him on or saying he couldn’t make it hurt if he tried. FYI, a backhand to the ass is quite painful…but also quite the turn on too.

He was upset that his grandmother called his mom to ask if she wanted to do something for Valentine’s Day, his grandmother is a widow and his mother is single. His mom told her no apparently. He was a little upset because he thought she should do something with her since they both don’t have plans. He then told me he had thought about taking all of us to dinner but didn’t want to ruin the day for me. I did tell him I would have been perfectly okay with that but he said he knew it wouldn’t work well. She also had made some comments last week about the way he had treated me (she thought he was being mean and mistreating me) so he told her that’s why he doesn’t bring me around a lot because of this happening. It was a lot for him and I felt bad because he does have a kind heart, he just wants everyone to be happy but takes it hard when it doesn’t happen.

Once we got back to my house we put in the first movie and started drinking. It was such a fun night we literally spent the entire time talking, laughing, goofing off, kissing and just cuddling with each other. It was so nice because he’d just grab my face to kiss me and he’d hold me against him while rubbing me. He did unintentionally hurt my feelings with the way he said something but he instantly explained himself and pulled me back against him. We ate the entire cookie cake while sitting on the couch together. He told me what his actual favorite cookies are so I know what to do for his birthday. It was so nice for us to be completely relaxed with each other but keep things interesting and no weird or awkward moments. I was so shocked with the PDA he was giving me but I loved every moment of it.


We both achieved the goal of getting extremely drunk. We passed out on my couch together. He was holding me just like he use to and wouldn’t let me move if I tried to or if I wiggled around. Eventually at about 6 am we went to my room to actually sleep, that didn’t happen of course. Once we were both in bed and holding each other we started to both get turned on. I made my way down to give him another blow job, this one lasted a long time. He was back to trying to touch me and feel me. I wouldn’t let him and that drove him crazy. Mainly I was just trying to stick by what he said but also because I knew I’d be starting soon and if we had sex he’d make me start early. He kept begging me to go get a condom for him and I kept just shaking my head no. This drives him insane, completely insane.

After what I’d say was an hour of me sucking him and deep throating him, something we’ve discovered I can finally do well, he is now interested in seeing if and for how long he can, as he says, fuck my throat. It depends on how much I’ve deep throated him if he will be able to thrust his hips up or me just lightly move my head up and down. He pulled me up at one point so fast, slid my panties to this side and looked me very fiercely in the eyes. He kept his eye contact while he slid himself into me. I instinctively started to ride him in the way that makes me have an orgasm. Of course, him being inside me bare like that made him feel too close to orgasming so he pulled me off and wanted me to continue the BJ. I almost started but I saw I had bled on him some and told him I did. He was surprised I had started but I reminded him that I warned him earlier and he just told me to go grab a condom. I stopped and asked if he was sure, he then proceeded to push me off the bed, slap my ass and told me to hurry.

He put the condom on and I proceeded to getting on top of him and riding him. If I can be honest readers, I’m having a hard time reaching and having an orgasm with the Russian. I had seen something a while back from before we were exclusive, I know I shouldn’t care, but that really rubbed me the wrong way. Add in the fact he told me previously he was confused with his feelings and spiritual aspects have me all in my head when we are having sex. I don’t know if he’s aware of his or not yet. Well, the combination of a long blow job and the way I was riding him caused him to cum quicker than he expected. He even told me it was my fault since he was trying his hardest not to. He did take care of me afterwards and with him rubbing my clit gave me three orgasms. It took a little time though but once I have the first one the others continue to come a lot easier.

After he showered and I cleaned up we laid back down and attempted to sleep again. I passed out and slept some but when he doesn’t sleep well it wakes me up, so I would scratch his head, arms or back to help him relax. During one of these moments he rolls over a little, takes underwear off and put my hand on his cock. It shouldn’t have surprised me that he was hard. I gave him another long blow job, but this time we spent more time with me practicing deep throating and allowing him to thrust into my throat. I will say it got easier the more he did it but I did have moments I had to pull back. I kind of experimented with him being a little rougher with me. You know, telling him if he wanted me take it all he should be more forceful about it and other things like that. He told me he wanted to but was afraid of scaring me, I told I would let him know if it was getting too far. Once he came again he held me in bed for another 30 minutes or so. It was after 12 when we finally crawled out of bed. He actually surprised me and ended up spending the afternoon with me.

We laid on my couch and watched Netflix for several hours. At around dinner time he used one of coupons for me to go pick up food for us. He paid of course but didn’t want to leave the house. He left later that night so we could both shower and get ready for the dreaded Monday coming up.

It was a great weekend and the moments we had together really made me fall for him more. Which just scares me. Is it crazy or dumb of me to love this man? I really think he may finally be falling for me and I really want him to because I could maybe relax about all of this. I won’t tell him my feelings until we talk about his again. Is it bad I wish I’d have talked to him about it while we were drinking heavily? I know I would have gotten an honest answer from him about it.

At least this year for Valentine’s I actually had a man that wanted to do something and surprised me. That was a first in almost three years. I think back to last year when he revealed to me that he wanted to do something with me but wasn’t sure it would be possible for me to get away for the night. What a difference a year makes, huh?


Feelings and What? Pt. Two


I didn’t text him or anything when I got home. I just did things around my house and tried to keep myself busy. Well, surprise surprise, he started to text me. He was asking about my interview the next day and if I planned on doing a half day for work. I definitely got the feeling he was digging for me to keep the conversation with him. I wasn’t putting a ton of effort in my responses back.

Him: “Ted (creep from work) asked me, ‘How did you convince (me) to go out with the lowly likes of you lol’”

Me: “Seriously? What a creep.”

Him: “I didn’t answer…he put lol but still”

Me: “That’s just rude, he’s probably jealous you didn’t ask him out lol”

Him: “Gross…disturbing”

Me: “I know lol it still is so rude he even said that”

Thinking back to that it makes me wonder if maybe this “Ted” guy and his comment made the Russian stop to think about things. Ted had asked me out a few times before, when I had just ended my relationship, but I was never interested. He is the definition of creepy. I had told the Russian about him so he knows about him; it was funny to us because he works for the company we worked for.

Well, we talked basically that entire night. He was flirty with me and kept the conversation going himself. Well, I had my interview the next day and it went really, really well. He made sure to text me an hour or so after it to ask me how it went. We talked for a little bit and the conversation ended.

That was until he asked me out for a date that night. I was pretty surprised he wanted to see me, but it was nice he wanted us to go on an actual date. He told me the plans were for dinner and a movie that night. When he came over it was still fairly early, we decided on a later movie so we could eat beforehand and not be rushed. When I opened the door for him he instantly went in for a hug, I returned one but kept my butt poked out. As usual he put his hand on my lower back and pushed me against him. We had one drink before we left and sat at my kitchen table to just talk. He told me I looked extremely hot, which was the point, then when we saw the time we both agreed it was time to go. He grabbed my jacket and helped me put it on, which was a first for him to do. Of course, after he put it on me he slapped my ass.

He opened my doors, car and buildings, for everywhere we went. On the way to the restaurant he told me he was glad I had wanted to see him, especially with him being weird right now but that he really wanted to see me. When we got to the restaurant we were seated pretty quickly. He knows what I like to eat so he ordered an appetizer for us and then ordered our meal. We both agreed we’d want popcorn at the theater so we shared an entrée, plus I don’t eat large portions and he knows this. Over dinner we talked about all kinds of topics, it felt a lot like a date. It was nice to have that moment and kind of refocused everything. When he walked us to the truck he of course opened my door and once again, slapped my ass. So much for backing off the physical things huh?

After dinner we still had about 40 minutes till the movie, the theater is across the city so we took a long way to the theater and just listened to music together while playing with each other. It was really nice to have him flirting with me again and make me feel just genuinely wanted. He made me promise him I wouldn’t let him eat all the popcorn once we got into the movie, because we both tend to start really snacking if we have to wait a while before it starts. Once we were seated for the movie I put the popcorn on the other side of me so it was out of his reach. The theater actually filled up pretty quickly to our surprise. The movie itself was a very good one, we both really enjoyed it. During the movie he would put his hand on my knee and stroke it, he’d also fidget some until I would touch his hand or his arm. Of course, I was wearing tights so he hand to move his hand every now and then because it got hot pretty quickly.

The movie ended fairly late but he wanted to come inside my house afterwards. I wasn’t sure what to say but I let him in and I proceeded to sit on one side of the couch with my legs tucked under me but turned away from him. He sat beside me, turned the tv and we just talked for a while. Eventually he laid his head in my lap like he use to do, this time however I did not instantly rub his head or touch him. This I’m pretty sure bothered him because he’d reach up to touch me. Eventually he made me lay across his chest but still was able to keep his head in my lap. I laid like that but didn’t touch him or anything. Even though he was extremely hard and made sure to…make it move because he knows I like that. He was pretty persistent with touching me and being a little frisky but I kept telling him no and pushing his hand away. Eventually I’m sitting on top of him as we continue this game of cat and mouse. He got my bra off but I remained fully clothed. Well, as I’m sitting there we actually just joke and play together. He makes me play the airplane game with him, where I balance my stomach on his feet, and then a bunch of other different ways. It was actually fun for me and really reminded me of the old Russian. Well as he brings me back to sitting on his lap he pulls me down to him and proceeds to really kiss me.


He hasn’t just kissed me or made out with me in a long time so this was a big weakness for me. We kissed for a rather long time which was just amazing. At some point I sit myself up and he then proceeds to touch my breasts under my shirt, then he proceeds to suck on them. Well after a few seconds I regain my strength and lean back. He grabs my legs and puts my feet on his chest. Somehow I accidently hit his member and I immediately touched it and told him I was sorry. It didn’t hurt him because he was harder than a rock. Well he then asks me if I’d kiss it better. I get quiet and kind of look away.

Me: “You told me you didn’t want to do this anymore, I’m trying to respect your wishes.”

Him: “I know what I said and I probably shouldn’t have said all that. It isn’t that I don’t want you, I can’t help myself when you’re near me.”

Him: “I’ve had a really great time tonight so far, it’s been so much fun.”

Me: “I completely agree. Tonight really reminded me of the old you and I really liked it.”

I probably forgot to mention that he’s been getting deeper into his religion and has been reading about pre-marital sex and that’s a big reason why he wanted to take a big step back from the sexual things. Which I agreed with and said okay to doing because I felt it was important to further this relationship.

I told him that by him being this was really confused me because I want to do the date nights and then have nights together like this too. But I was trying to respect his wishes and not be all about the physical things. I asked him if the only reason he wanted me around was for this (hooking up). He got pretty upset and said no, that it isn’t even remotely true. I do believe him because we have many moments when we don’t do sexual things but it just throws me off when he’s like that.

Well we stop but then something happens and I basically tease him by sucking on his finger in a pretty provocative way. Well I do this for a few minutes, watching his mouth open slightly as his eyes closed and rolled up. Finally he yanked his hand away from me, stood up to go to my kitchen for gum, then came back and stood in front of me. He pulled me up and wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he walked us into my room. He shut the door a little then pulled me against him and started to kiss me again. He took my shirt off and I started to touch him. That’s the hardest he’s been in a long time, almost painfully hard. Just me touching him through his jeans made his body start to almost convulse instinctively. I slowly made my way to just touching him through his jeans and he continued to kiss me and grab my chest. He did try to touch me but I kept resisting him and telling him no. He was extremely persistent and didn’t like me telling him no. Finally I had him standing by my bed naked and me still partially clothed. He asked me if I’d suck his cock and well, we all know I can’t resist when he asks me like that. Plus, I adore this man and adore his cock. I kneeled down in front of him and slowly wrapped my lips around his head, just to tease him. I felt his whole body just relax as he moaned.

He grabbed my hair in his hands and let me stay kneeling for a little while. Then he pulled us up to the bed so we would be more comfortable. He took my high waist shorts off so I was just in my tights while sucking him. After a while he pulled me up to face him and he grinded himself against me while I was in the tights. He loved the fabric, it was something he hadn’t experience before and I’d say he liked the way it felt. Somehow he slid himself into my tights and proceeded to grind himself against the outside of my entrance, no penetration at this point. It feels great and he moans as he says, “God, you’re so wet and I haven’t touched you yet.”

After we do that for a little while I move back down to continue giving him a BJ. As I said before I can now deep throat him and he’s starting to be able to thrust a few times while I’m doing that. It’s still taking some practice but I’m getting there, as I told him we would. He moves on the bed and pulls me back up to do what we had been doing. While doing that he slowly slides into me. I had to remove the tights after a while, sadly. We didn’t use a condom this time, of course we said we’d get one after just a second but everyone knows that doesn’t happen. We proceed to have pretty passionate sex. He’s touching me and being very responsive and vocal. He also directs me in a way he wants me to be on top of him, because of the amount of foreplay we had and the fact he had an erection for at least two hours he couldn’t hold back any longer. He told me before he came so I was able to move down and finish him with my mouth.

I wasn’t able to have an orgasm during the sex, I came close but it just didn’t happen. As I rolled off of him I distanced myself a little since I know how he is but he instantly grabbed me and pulled me close to him. He continued to play with me until I had three orgasms. When he finished he brought his fingers to my mouth and I proceeded to suck myself off of him. He did surprise me because he held me for a while afterwards. Rubbing my arm, side and playing with my hair while just holding me. He kissed my forehead and then went to rinse off. Neither one of us realized it was basically 4 am at this point so after he rinsed off and got dressed I put on some sweat pants and a tank top, we went to the living room for a little bit to talk and then I walked him out. We kissed and hugged good bye.

I had this feeling of worry and regret because after the week I had I promised myself no more sexual things with him. Especially since that is what he wanted. The next day I didn’t hear from him till later that night asking what I was up to.

Him: “Do you feel like hanging out with an old man?”

Me: “I don’t think I’d mind that, you want some company?”

Him: “Love some”

Him: “I’m planning to go to church in the morning if you wanna come too”

Me: “I’d like that a lot…should I bring stuff with me or will I be coming back to my house tonight?”

Him: “Just bring stuff”

So I went over there and we actually had a fun night together. We watched a movie and had a few drinks before going to bed. I wasn’t sexual with him and kept things from getting there. Well he had set an alarm for us and told me to make sure he was up at a certain time. He’s been having a major issue sleeping so when the alarm went off he woke me up and I sat up to start getting ready. That’s when he told me in the saddest voice that he got no sleep at all. So I sat back in the bed and then he just made me lay down. Well he was on his phone typing then handed it over to me:

Him: “I’ve been up since 5:30 and can’t fall back asleep…will you help me go to sleep?”

Me: “How can I help you fall asleep?”

Him: “BJ”

I let out a little groan and laugh then set his phone down, he grabbed it from me.

Him: “Please 😦 “

Me: “I guess I could help a little”

I did help him fall back asleep. He got a pretty hot BJ that lasted about 30 minutes. He also was very interested in touching my hair, face and breasts. After he came he held me for a little while and then we both passed out. Once we got up we spent a little more time together. Watching tv, talking and him showing some designs he had down for his business. After a few hours I left and went home.

He did text me later that night. This week he’s talked to me every day, and actually kept a conversation with me. Two days ago he asked if I wanted to go walking in his neighborhood and I of course did. We did several miles until it started to get colder and darker. We talked the entire time and he was very protective over me while walking. He kept moving me away from traffic and making sure I was safe from vehicles. After he asked if I wanted to go to his mom’s house and see what they were doing. So we went in there and I ate dinner with him and his mom. His sister had left after a little while but it was nice to feel included. After we ate, we all visited for a little while longer and then I got up to leave. His mom walked us out, hugged us both, and the Russian walked me to my car. We were playful and kissed goodbye a few times. Nothing physical happened, we just spent some time together. Once I got home he started texting me and asking me about my work schedule so he would know if we could go walking again this week.

Of course we talked basically all night. Yesterday we talked during the day and then he asked me to go walk with him again. We did and were probably even more playful. At one point, because it was chilly, he kept putting his cold hands on my neck and under my shirt so I tried to retaliate and we ended up chasing each other a few blocks. It was probably the most fun I’ve had in a long time with him, just being in that moment and honestly not caring who was watching or what we looked like. Well, after that we went back to his place to shower, change and then get some food. After I showered he was playing his video game so when he went to shower I continued playing. After his we talked about dinner, ordered food and waited to go pick it up he turned on a show he had been watching. I set up my Netflix account at his house and since he’s had trouble sleeping he’s been watching it late at night.

On the way to get dinner he told me that if for some reason he isn’t really playful or cheery with me later it’s because he’s just tired. I told him I appreciated him telling me that and if he didn’t really feel like having company I’d understand and it wouldn’t be a big deal. He said that wasn’t the case at all he just didn’t want me to get my feelings hurt if he wasn’t playful. Well, it turned out he was still pretty playful and in a good mood. After we ate we kept watching this show of his and talking. After a few episodes he asked me to make a drink and I was about to until he made me lay on the pillow in his lap. He started to really slap my ass, to prove a point after I gave him a hard time about not doing that very hard. Once he gave me three or four extremely hard slaps he then started to just play with my hair. It was fun because we basically goof off with each other and it isn’t weird. As usual, he did take my bra off. I jokingly tried to block one of my boobs from him and in the cutest voice he said, “Stop it, I just want to play.” So I let him continue with that. He did at one point try to get his hand down my pants but I wouldn’t let him touch me. He was very persistent and didn’t like me telling him no. He kept changing the name for it as a joke we do, but he wanted to just touch my clit. Well I kept my strength and didn’t let him. He once again had a massive erection and made sure I was aware of it in ways only he can do. He eventually laid down with his head by my feet and my head in his lap. He just rubbed and massaged my legs for a while and I proceeded to playfully poke him in his belly button. It’s weird but something I enjoy doing when he lets me.

In typical Russian fashion he put my hand directly onto him and said if I was going to fidget and play with something than it needed to be something useful. I didn’t really respond to the comment and didn’t move to instantly grab him. That got to him and he made another comment then unbuttoned his pants to free his member. I proceeded to lightly touch it but nothing more. He asked me if I saw something that happened on the show and I reminded him at the angle I was at I couldn’t see it. So he sat me up and tried to position me so he was basically lying between my thighs. I knew where that would lead so I moved and had him just lay in my lap. He laid me forward so I was lying across his stomach/chest. I continued to play with him using just my hands until he brought the head of his cock to my lips.

I don’t know if it was the angle, the fact all the lights were still on or because we were 100% sober but that particular BJ really rocked his world. At one point while I was sucking he asked if I still wanted a drink, I told him I did and he said he’d make one but he may have to take me with him. I figured that would probably a fun thing to try and do. So I nodded and kept doing what I was doing waiting for him to wiggle around and us move. Well, I must have changed pressure or a movement on him because not even 30 seconds later he was telling me he was coming, not the “I’m going to” he normally gives me, he literally just couldn’t stop it. After as he laid in my lap he told me he wasn’t sure what happened but I did something and it just couldn’t be helped. That was probably one of the quickest ones I had given him, long foreplay helps make him reach his orgasm easier. Which I don’t mind giving him long BJs but my jaw appreciated the break for once.

The rest of that night we had one drink, a rather strong one, and then continued watching this show and talking. When it was time for bed he actually slept in a normal position with me that he hasn’t done in a while. Typically for him to get comfy he’d lay the opposite direction of me. By that I mean his head are by my feet and his feet are by my head.  Well he actually slept next to me and I got to rub his head and scratch his back till it put us both to sleep. When I woke up this morning I was just excited he slept next to me like that all night that well, I rewarded him with another BJ. However, this one lasted an hour and a half. It was pretty intense and he could have come a lot sooner but when he asked if I was “ready for some cum” I shook my head no and slowed my pace. He groaned loudly and told me that I was the boss and for me to tell him when he could. I didn’t deep throat him as much because that makes him go pretty quickly.

After “torturing” him for a while longer I asked if he was ready to cum and he showed me that he was ready. After he held me for a little while and then I got up to start getting ready for work. He rolled over to my side of the bed, buried himself under the covers and said, “I’m so comfortable…going back to sleep now.” I got ready for work in his bathroom and when I finished I hated waking him up to tell him bye but he woke a little and told me he was dreaming. He hasn’t slept good in a while so I left quietly.

I will say I’m glad I resisted his advances for more than what we did, I should probably decline doing those as well but I enjoy it just as much. He’s more than likely still asleep so I’ll wait to hear from him.

And that’s my life up to today…literally. I was a little over an hour late to work but I’m leaving this job after next week and well, no one cared. Plus, it was so worth it.

If anyone has any thoughts they’d like to share or any suggestions/opinions on what’s been going on with the Russian feel free to share! I’ll say things are going in a good direction, but we will see what good ole V-Day holds for us. Wish me luck!

Feelings and What? Pt. One


I have a lot on my mind from things that have happened in the almost two weeks that have passed. I’ve had a few people in my immediate family pass away rather unexpectedly so that has really shaken me up. On top of me having to deal with those emotions and grieving the Russian dropped a major bomb on me two Sundays ago.

It’s hard to explain what all happened because at the same time I wasn’t fully focused but knew this conversation needed to happen. Basically, the Russian told me he thinks by now his feelings should be deeper for me than they are (love I guess) and he’s concerned that they aren’t. Well after a long back and forth conversation that day we decided that we both needed to take a big step back on the sexual aspect of things and focus on just dating and knowing each other. Because of the way this relationship started we never actually “courted” or went on a lot of dates before the sex aspect happened. Granted, I was living with and dating someone else at the time and he was kind of seeing someone so it was a weird start.

Well after that conversation, I basically told him I feel really stupid for falling for him if those feelings aren’t returned, I went to my house and sobbed my eyes out. Not only for my lost grandfather but for the relationship I felt I was losing as well. The next day I would be going back to my parents’ home so I took that night to try and sleep. I had told myself I would not be messaging the Russian anymore and if he wanted to speak to me he could reach out.

Well reach out he did. At one a.m. that night my phone started to ring. I had only gone to sleep about an hour before that, having been up late talking to my best friend and crying. I was completely shocked but answered the phone.

Me: “Hello?”

Him: “Hey, what are you doing?”

Me: “Um, just laying in bed. You?”

Him: “Trying to play (game) but it isn’t working tonight.”

Me: “Oh, that stinks”

Him: “How are you? You okay?”

Me: “Um, I’m not good. But it’ll get better.”

Him: “I know, I’m sorry. Did you find out the arrangements?”

We started talking about what I would have to do for the visitation and funeral, also, me having to pick up family members and drive them home with me. That went back and forth for a little while. Then I got brave and a little mad.

Me: “Why are you calling me, Russian?”

Him: “Because I really care for you and wanted to check on you.”

Me: “No you don’t, after this afternoon you made it very clear you DON’T care about me.”

Him: “That’s fucking bullshit and you know it, (name). I told you that I do care and have feelings for you. I’m just not sure if the reason my feelings aren’t deeper is because of the way things started or just me getting off these meds.”

Him: “That’s why I want us to try this a different way, I don’t want to just throw everything away.”

Me: “Honestly, Russian, if you’re just wanting to try these things as a way to pity me or let me down easier just don’t. End things now because that’ll  be easier on me.”

Him: “Oh, so you’d be completely okay if things ended?”

Me: “No I wouldn’t just be okay with it, Russian. I told you I have fallen for you but how do you think it feels when that isn’t reciprocated? When the person I want to be with more than likely doesn’t want to be with me? I don’t even know what to think or do.”

One of us lost service and the call got caught off. He called me back and we resumed talking.

Him: “I know I haven’t been the most cheerful person in the world and we haven’t really been doing dates or anything but I would really like to take you out and do things like that.”

Me: “That’s what I want. I don’t mind staying in and doing dinner and a movie at one of our homes but I want to go out and do things. The only reason I haven’t pushed for it more is because of how you’ve been feeling lately.”

Him: “I know and I really appreciate that. We just now need to focus on something different and see if things grow from that.”

I just was saying “okay” at this point.

Me: “It really sucks knowing you aren’t going to be in my life anymore.”

Him: “When the hell did I say that? I just told you what I want to do.”

Me: “Actions speak louder than words and I just don’t think you’re going to follow through. I feel like you’re pitying me or something.”

Him: “I am not pitying you. You don’t need pity from anyone. You are a total package. 9.9999 out of 10 in looks alone, you’re gorgeous. Incredibly smart, independent, amazing personality and everything anyone could want.”

Me: “Yeah, everyone but you. Lotta good that does me.”

Him: “Just stop it. We are going to get this figured out okay?”

I say okay and then get quiet.

Him: “And I want to help you with what you’re going through right now. Anything I can do. Will you please let me help you?”

Me: “Okay”

Him: “What are you going to do with the pup?”

He was going to originally keep my dog for me while I dealt with family stuff but after everything Sunday I told him I wouldn’t need him to do that and I’d figure it out. I honestly just didn’t want to rely on him for that.

Me: “Um, I haven’t thought about it yet.”

Him: “Can I please keep her for you?”

Me: “I don’t know, is that a good idea?”

Him: “Why wouldn’t it be? I care for you. I care for (my dog). I care for your mom. I want to help and if this is the only way I can, then let me.”

Me: “Okay. If you don’t mind keeping her you can keep her for a few days.”

Him: “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”

We discussed the time I’d bring her to him the next day. We kept talking for a while after that. A lot of back and forth stuff. After about an hour we decided it was time to go to sleep. After we got off the phone he texted me to say he’d set an alarm and then called me “pretty girl” which he’s used as a nickname for me before.

The next day I’m basically a hot mess. I get up to shower and fix myself up for the day. When I brought my dog to him I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect or do. He met me outside and picked her up. He looked sad but gave me a hug and basically told me good luck with the next few days. We didn’t speak again until the next day. He asked me how things were going and we spoke for a little bit. I asked him if he’d mind keeping my dog another night, which he said he didn’t mind at all. He ended up keeping her for three nights and then I went to get her after work that Thursday.

I fixed myself up a little before seeing him, because, well I needed to look good and remind him what he’s missing. He had her at his mom’s house so I met him over there. He was outside walking her when I drove up. We stood outside and talked for a little bit. He asked  how my interview had gone. (I will be starting a new job too) We talked for a little bit and since it was cold I decided it was time to go. Well he had hugged me when I got there and then when I left he hugged me again but this time is was a harder hug and he did this grasp/scratch thing to my ribs he normally does. I didn’t really respond or hug back very hard, which isn’t like me but it benefited me later on.

To be continued….